• strana.uccelli@gmail.com
Welcome to the Uccelli Society

Community. Integrity. Generativity.

We provide the best social aid organization


years, since the foundation of the association




Implemented projects

Association goal & mission statement

Our aim is to build a network that brings together and consolidates knowledge from different areas. With this knowledge, the members of the association should then be able to manage their individual goals and concerns. Another feature of the network is to inspire and motivate each other. People who are pursuing a goal should be able to meet other people who are also pursuing their own goals and exchange approaches, tips and much more. However, this opportunity should not only be open to club members. For people outside the association, who either come from low socio-economic backgrounds, have a migration background or are single parents, Uccelli should also provide offers that can be supportive in everyday life. Of course, people outside the aforementioned group are not excluded from Uccelli's services.

As the Uccelli association, we strive to offer a wide range of courses that promote the personal and professional development of our members. Our course offerings include topics such as psychology, IT, electronics, cooking and business. By organizing events, we want to reach our target group and offer the opportunity to network. These events will also serve as a platform to showcase talents, be it in the form of music, acting or other creative expressions.

The core offering of our association is the provision of psychological counseling covering various aspects including career counseling, motivation, interests, personality and self-control. In addition, we offer advice on how to write a CV correctly, support in setting up your own business and IT advice. We also encourage our members and target group to get actively involved by offering courses themselves or suggesting specific advice topics.

In summary, the aim of the Uccelli association is defined by the creation of an inclusive network that promotes education, exchange and personal development. Our doors are open to all, regardless of background or social class, to build a supportive community.

Our main tasks


We want to provide all those in need with access to education and information in order to raise their standard of living.

Social affairs

We want to promote social exchange among everyone, deal with current social issues and support those affected.


We want to offer the members of the association an opportunity to work together on personal projects as well as to promote the cohesion of the Uccellis.

If everyone is moving forward together,
then success takes care of itself

Get to know the Uccelli family

Shannon Kylee Jörg

Werdegang: Nach meinem Abschluss an der Fachmittelschule in Aarau sammelte ich durch verschiedene Praktika im sozialtherapeutischen Bereich wertvolle Erfahrungen in der Arbeit mit Menschen in herausfordernden Lebenssituationen. Diese Einblicke führten
Hatice profile picture
Head of Project Management

Hatice Aksüt

Until the end of September 2021, Berlin was the place of my formation, experiences and my personal, educational and professional development. I completed a state-certified apprenticeship as a hotel manageress, as well as studying to become a
Association President

Ato Akrofi

After training as an EFZ commercial clerk, Ato completed the commercial vocational baccalaureate (part-time) with the aim of studying at a teacher training college. However, in the second year of the vocational baccalaureate, he decided
Head of IT

Karim Moutiq

I completed my apprenticeship as an application developer at Unic AG in 2015 and then decided to gain a foothold in every area of IT. I have experience in many industries

What our partners say about us

Our latest projects

Benefit event June 2024

What was supported Together we want to create a platform that promotes education, exchange and personal development for all. Your participation will help us to continue to help people in Switzerland ...
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Uccelli Meet & Greet

Reason for the event: Last weekend, several members of our association, Uccelli, got together for a little meet & greet. It was a wonderful opportunity to get to know each other better ...
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Clothing collection

Uccelli clothes collection campaign

Reason for the event: The Uccelli clothes collection campaign resulted from the collaboration between the Uccellis and the AOZ. The idea was to develop a project, as many refugees have to live ...
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